Governance for

The web organisation at DTU consists of the web team in AKM and the web managers in the administration. The web team in AKM has the overall responsibility for (Danish and English versions) in terms of operation, development, overall structure, design and editorial line/communication principles.

The web team can assign responsibility for selected areas of to relevant professionals, who then become webmasters for the area in question. A webmaster can delegate the practical updating task to one or more colleagues, but remains responsible for the content. As a content manager, you must use the form here to pass on your rights. Once the form has been submitted, a receipt is sent to the editor, after which the web team will process the enquiry as soon as possible within 5 working days.  

The web team makes sure to enrol the webmasters in the general Sitecore experience group and will keep you informed of new initiatives. 

Distribution of roles

The web team in AKM

  • defines the overall structure, design guidelines and communication principles for
  • offers relevant courses, peer-to-peer training and student help by agreement
  • assists the web managers with sparring in connection with major web tasks
  • approves the creation of new content areas on 

The web managers in the administration

  • ensure that the content in their respective areas on is accurate and updated and follows the communication principles for
  • is the contact person for web questions
  • edit existing pages - when creating new content areas or major reorganisations of existing pages, the web team in AKM must be consulted
  • must have Sitecore competences corresponding to 'Sitecore basic course'