Types of web solutions - find the right model

Need to establish new content online? - The models outlined below will involve local editors and AKM to varying degrees. Typically, AKM is responsible for the establishment phase, while it requires local editorial resources to take care of ongoing maintenance and content production. If in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us!

Maybe a traditional website isn't the answer

Before you get too far into planning your web content, consider whether a website is the right solution. It may be more relevant to create a project in DTU Orbit and expand the description there. In DTU Orbit, it is also possible to create an expanded profile description, which will typically get more views than a standalone website that has a harder time driving traffic. There is also the course database, instrument and facility database, networking sites, or social media, which typically have a better and more targeted reach. In other words, there are many options online, so feel free to contact us if you need more general advice on communication solutions.

Exposure on existing websites

There are more than 800 websites in DTU's common web platform. These include department sites, centre sites, group sites, subsites, collaboration sites and project sites. Projects that are naturally anchored on an existing site can be integrated into these in different ways. Check which model is used in your department so you can choose a form that fits your context.

New content can be placed as regular content pages anchored in an existing information architecture. Here is an example of a research group at DTU Bioengineering: https://www.bioengineering.dtu.dk/english/researchny/research-sections/section-for-microbial-and-chemical-ecology/bacterial-ecophysiology-and-biotechnology

This deep placement can be supplemented by a short link like dtu.dk/bacterial-e-b, or bioengineering.dtu.dk/bacterial-e-b.

The advantage of this model is that the content is part of a clear context where the parts enrich each other and make it easy for users to orientate themselves in related content. Google will typically reward this logic, as it is perceived as a "topic cluster" that is ranked higher than if it had stood alone.

(This type of content - i.e. additions to existing websites - is typically created by the local editor, with help from AKM on request).

New content can be placed under an existing site/domain, but without being part of the existing site's information architecture. Here is an example of a project page anchored at DTU Management: https://www.man.dtu.dk/route2022 

With the onepager model, you can create a focussed and delimited site for a specific topic, with no other relation to the site it is placed under than the domain.

Read more about onepager solutions

Creating standalone sites

The creation of independent sites falls into two categories: Those created under a neutral DTU domain (e.g. sites.dtu.dk/xxxxxx) and those created under a new domain (e.g. xxx.dtu.dk). The latter requires a coordinated go-live process that takes place approx. 10 times a year and the delivery time for this type is therefore longer. Read more about the different variants here:

If you want to downplay a specific organisational affiliation, you can create a onepager under the domain sites.dtu.dk (see e.g. https://sites.dtu.dk/cuqi. This can be supplemented with a short link ala dtu.dk/xxx as a forwarder to the site.

Read more about onepager solutions

In special cases, the onepager (described in model 2 and model 3) can be created under its own domain (see e.g. https://engineering-camp.dtu.dk). However, the technical setup of this model is considerably more extensive than the solutions under model 2 and model 3. On the other hand, an onepager with its own domain can relatively easily be replaced by a multi-page site (the content must be moved, but the domain is established and does not require a new go-live process).

Read more about onepager solutions

Models 2-4 are based on the "Onepager" site type, which, as the name suggests, consists of only one page. Although there can be a lot of content on a long onepager, there are projects that need more content or several different content types (such as publication lists, news, calendar, people lists, etc.). For such larger sites, standalone websites of varying complexity can be created.

For now, this type of site requires an independent domain of the form xxx.dtu.dk or xxx.dk (or another independent domain).

Read more about the multipager solution

How to move forward?

If the descriptions above have not provided you with the necessary clarification, please feel free to contact webteam@dtu.dk or Head of Office Kasper Antonsen (kant@dtu.dk). If you are fairly certain of what you need, you can use our contact form to proceed with the creation of the relevant content (use the "New website/onepager" entry)