Link collection
Here you can see how the link module works. You can see how to insert the module, add internal and external links, and the options for customizing the module.
Below you’ll find a more detailed overview of the module.
The structure of the link collection module
A link collection module consists of:
- Title - where the heading can be written
- Text - for a possible subheading (optional field)
- Links - the individual links are added by pressing the + in the toolbar
Edit Link Collection Module:
Edit the link collection in either the content editor or the Experience Editor.
Insert and edit link:
To insert a link into the link collection, you must first insert a link module, then edit the link module
- Insert link:
Click the blue plus, Insert a new item.
Select Link module link and enter the name of the link module in the Name field.
Click Ok - Edit link:
Click the two arrows, Edit/Sort the content
Select the link you want to edit.
Click Edit.
Now you can insert a link. Read more: Insert link

Særlige elementer
- Tema: Hvis du sætter flueben i feltet Tema vil linklisten blive vist i samme temafarve som resten af sitet.
Klik på Rediger
Sæt flueben i feltet Tema
Special elements
- Theme: If you tick the Has Theme field, the link collection box will be displayed in the same theme color as the rest of the site.
Click Edit
Put a check mark in the field HasTheme

Here can a link collection be inserted:
In container (M) 9 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 6 columns
- cell 9 columns
In container (L) 12 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 4 columns
- cell 6 columns
- cell 8 columns
- cell 9 columns
- cell 12 columns
In container (S) 6 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 6 columns