Rich text module
The structure of the rich text module
A Rich text module consists of:
- Text field - the text is edited with an editing tool, Rich Text Editor
This is a rich text module
Text can be inserted here, which can be formatted with the tools in the Rich Text Editor.
A bulleted list can be inserted, for example:
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
Text can be marked in bold.
Links can be inserted in the text.

Here can a rich text module be inserted
NB: Only use the rich text module in cells up to 6 columns wide. Text that extends beyond 6 columns width is difficult to read.
In container (M) 9 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 6 columns
- cell 9 columns (should not be used)
In container (L) 12 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 4 columns
- cell 6 columns
- cell 8 columns (should not be used)
- cell 9 columns (should not be used)
- cell 12 columns (should not be used)
In container (S) 6 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 6 columns