Media module
The structure of the media module
A media module consists of:
- Picture and possibly alternative text
- Possibly. link to YouTube video
- Possibly. link to Background video
- Caption
- Option to Preserve the aspect ratio of the image

Edit media module
Special elements
- Image: How to insert an image
- YouTube video, Panopto Video or background video: How to insert a video

Show the image in fullscreen
- Check the box MediaModuleCanShowFullscreen
- Click OK
- Visitors will now be able to click on the image and it will be displayed fullscreen
Here can a media module be inserted
In container (M) 9 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 6 columns
- cell 9 columns
In container (L) 12 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 4 columns
- cell 6 columns
- cell 8 columns
- cell 9 columns
- cell 12 columns
In container (S) 6 columns:
- cell 3 columns
- cell 6 columns